Uses of Class

Packages that use Client.Response   

Uses of Client.Response in

Methods in that return Client.Response
 Client.Response Client.addLabel(URL url, String label, String selectionLabel, String depth)
          Adds a label to the resource.
 Client.Response Client.addLabel(URL url, String label, String selectionLabel, String depth, String lockToken)
          Adds a label to the resource.
 Client.Response Client.copy(URL from, URL to, String label, boolean overwrite, String depth)
          Copies the resource denoted by from to the resource denoted by to.
 Client.Response Client.get(URL url)
          Returns a resource.
 Client.Response Client.get(URL url, String[] preferredMimeTypes, String[] preferredLanguages, String label)
          Returns a resource.
 Client.Response Client.get(URL url, String[] preferredMimeTypes, String[] preferredLanguages, String label, long modifiedSince)
          Returns a resource.
 Client.Response Client.get(URL url, String[] preferredMimeTypes, String[] preferredLanguages, String label, URL compareWith)
          Returns a resource.
 Client.Response Client.merge(URL url, URL[] sources, String label, boolean autoMerge, boolean checkOut, URL checkOutActivity, boolean forkOK)
          Merges a number of resources into another one.
 Client.Response Client.operation(String method, URL url, Headers headersIn, InputStream body)
          The low-level method that communicates with the server.
 Client.Response Client.propfindAll(URL url, String depth)
          Returns all the properties of a resource.
 Client.Response Client.propfindNames(URL url, String depth)
          Returns all the property names of a resource.
 Client.Response Client.propfindSpecific(URL url, ExpandedName[] properties, String depth)
          Returns the requested properties of a resource.
 Client.Response Client.proppatch(URL url, Document document)
          Changes properties of the resource.
 Client.Response Client.proppatch(URL url, Document document, String lockToken)
          Changes properties of the resource.
 Client.Response Client.proppatch(URL url, InputStream in)
          Changes properties of the resource.
 Client.Response Client.proppatch(URL url, InputStream in, String lockToken)
          Changes properties of the resource.
 Client.Response Client.put(URL url, InputStream in, String mimeType, String language)
          Creates or updates a resource.
 Client.Response Client.put(URL url, InputStream in, String mimeType, String language, String lockToken)
          Creates or updates a resource.
 Client.Response Client.removeLabel(URL url, String label, String selectionLabel, String depth)
          Removes a label from the resource.
 Client.Response Client.removeLabel(URL url, String label, String selectionLabel, String depth, String lockToken)
          Removes a label from the resource.
 Client.Response url, Document document, String label, String depth)
          This is a variant of the other report method.
 Client.Response url, InputStream in, String label, String depth)
          With this method more complex information can be retrieved about a resource.
 Client.Response Client.setLabel(URL url, String label, String selectionLabel, String depth)
          Sets a label on the resource.
 Client.Response Client.setLabel(URL url, String label, String selectionLabel, String depth, String lockToken)
          Sets a label on the resource.

Methods in with parameters of type Client.Response
static String Util.getPreconditionMessage(Client.Response response)
          Returns the localized message that corresponds to the preconditions in the response.
static String Util.getReasonPhrase(Client.Response response)
          Returns the localized reason message that corresponds to the response.
static void Util.readDisplayNameList(URL url, Client.Response response, Util.DisplayNameHandler handler, boolean includeCollection)
          Processes the values of the DAV:displayname properties in the entries in a multistatus response.
static void Util.readPropertyList(URL url, Client.Response response, Util.PropertyHandler handler, boolean includeCollection)
          Processes all the properties in the entries in a multistatus response.
static void Util.readPropertyList(URL url, Client.Response response, Util.PropertyHandler handler, Util.ReportMultistatus report, boolean includeCollection)
          Processes all the properties in the entries in a multistatus response.
static void Util.readUrlList(URL url, Client.Response response, Util.UrlHandler handler)
          Processes the DAV:href element in the entries in a multistatus response.
static void Util.reportMultistatus(Client.Response response, Util.ReportMultistatus report)
          Processes the entries in a multistatus response one by one.
static void Util.throwException(Client.Response response)
          Throw an exception with a localized message that is extracted from the response.