Uses of Class

Packages that use Client   

Uses of Client in

Methods in with parameters of type Client
static Properties.Property[] Properties.get(URL url, Client client)
          Duplicate properties will not be returned.
static String Util.getAutoVersion(URL url, Client client)
          Returns the DAV:auto-version property.
static URL Util.getHome(URL user, Client client)
          Returns the home folder of a user.
static URL Util.getOwner(URL url, Client client)
          Returns the owner of a resource.
static String Util.getPassword(URL user, Client client)
          Returns the password of a user.
static long Util.getQuotaAvailableBytes(URL user, Client client)
          Returns the available number of bytes for a user.
static long Util.getQuotaTotalBytes(URL user, Client client)
          Returns the total number of bytes a user can use.
static long Util.getQuotaUsedBytes(URL user, Client client)
          Returns the number of bytes a user is using.
static Relations.Relation[] Relations.getReferredBy(URL url, Client client)
          This returns the contents of the protected property referred-by in the namespace urn:be-re:dav.
static Relations.Relation[] Relations.getReferredByVersions(URL url, Client client)
          This returns the contents of the protected property referred-by-versions in the namespace urn:be-re:dav.
static Relations.Relation[] Relations.getReferringTo(URL url, Client client)
          This returns the contents of the property referring-to in the namespace urn:be-re:dav.
static ExpandedName[] Util.getResourceTypes(URL url, Client client)
          Returns all the resource types a resource has.
static View.Rule[] View.getRules(URL url, Client client)
          Returns the rules of view url in the order specified by the view.
static boolean Util.isActivity(URL url, Client client)
          Tests if the resource is an activity.
static boolean Util.isCheckedOut(URL url, Client client)
          Returns the checked-out state.
static boolean Util.isCollection(URL url, Client client)
          Tests if the resource is a collection.
static boolean Util.isOwner(URL url, URL user, Client client)
          Tests if user owns the resource.
static boolean Util.isPrincipal(URL url, Client client)
          Tests if the resource is a principal.
static boolean Util.isVersion(URL url, Client client)
          Tests if the resource is a version.
static boolean Util.isView(URL url, Client client)
          Tests if the resource is a view.
static void Properties.set(URL url, Client client, Properties.Property[] properties)
          Duplicate properties will not be stored.
static void Util.setAutoVersion(URL url, String mode, Client client)
          Sets the auto-version mode for a resource.
static void Util.setHome(URL user, URL home, Client client)
          Sets the home folder for a user.
static void Util.setOwner(URL url, URL owner, Client client)
          Sets the owner of a resource.
static void Util.setPassword(URL user, String password, Client client)
          Sets the password for a user.
static void Util.setQuotaTotalBytes(URL user, long total, Client client)
          Sets the total number of bytes a user can use.
static void Relations.setReferringTo(URL url, Client client, Relations.Relation[] relations)
          This sets the property referring-to in the namespace urn:be-re:dav.
static void View.setRules(URL url, Client client, View.Rule[] rules)
          Sets the rules of the view url in the provided order.