Uses of Class

Packages that use ExpandedName   

Uses of ExpandedName in

Fields in declared as ExpandedName
 ExpandedName Client.ACE.privilege
          The standard privileges are defined in RFC 3744.

Methods in that return ExpandedName
static ExpandedName[] Util.getPrivileges()
          Returns all known privileges.
static ExpandedName[] Util.getResourceTypes(URL url)
          Returns all the resource types a resource has.
static ExpandedName[] Util.getResourceTypes(URL url, Client client)
          Returns all the resource types a resource has.
 ExpandedName[] Client.getSupportedLiveProperties(URL url)
          Returns all the live properties supported by the resource.
 ExpandedName[] Client.propfindNames(URL url)
          Returns all the property names of a resource.

Methods in with parameters of type ExpandedName
static String Util.getPrivilegeDescription(ExpandedName privilege)
          Returns the localized description of a privilege.
 String Client.getSimpleLiveProperty(URL url, ExpandedName property)
          Returns the value of a live property as a string if it has either one empty element as a value, in which case the local name of the element is the value, or only PCDATA, otherwise null is returned.
 Client.Response Client.propfindSpecific(URL url, ExpandedName[] properties, String depth)
          Returns the requested properties of a resource.
 void Client.setSimpleLiveProperty(URL url, ExpandedName property, String value)
          Sets the value of a simple live property.
 void Client.setSimpleLiveProperty(URL url, ExpandedName property, String value, String lockToken)
          Sets the value of a simple live property.

Constructors in with parameters of type ExpandedName
Client.ACE(ExpandedName principal, boolean invert, ExpandedName privilege, boolean grant, boolean isProtected)
Client.ACE(String principal, boolean invert, ExpandedName privilege, boolean grant, boolean isProtected)
Client.ACE(URL principal, boolean invert, ExpandedName privilege, boolean grant, boolean isProtected)