Packages that use Context | |
be.re.repo | Here you will find all module interface definitions. |
be.re.repo.mod | This package contains some utilities that are helpful for certain document formats. |
Uses of Context in be.re.repo |
Methods in be.re.repo with parameters of type Context | |
void |
Compare.compare(InputStream oldVersion,
InputStream newVersion,
OutputStream out,
String mimeType,
Context context)
Calculates the difference between two versions of a resource. |
void |
XMLCompare.compare(XMLEventReader oldVersion,
XMLEventReader newVersion,
XMLEventWriter out,
String mimeType,
Context context)
Calculates the difference between two versions of a resource. |
void |
MergeDocument.complete(InputStream in,
OutputStream out,
String mimeType,
Context context)
This method is called to perform completion on the contents of a version when the shouldComplete method returns true . |
void |
XMLMergeDocument.complete(XMLEventReader in,
XMLEventWriter out,
String mimeType,
Context context)
This method is called to perform completion on the contents of a version when the shouldComplete method returns true . |
InputStream |
InTransformerFactory.create(String vcr,
String version,
InputStream in,
String fromMimeType,
String toMimeType,
Context context)
OutputStream |
OutTransformerFactory.create(String vcr,
String version,
OutputStream out,
String fromMimeType,
String toMimeType,
Context context)
XMLEventReader |
XMLInputFactory.create(String vcr,
String version,
String systemId,
InputStream in,
XMLResolver entityResolver,
boolean expand,
String mimeType,
Context context)
XMLEventWriter |
XMLOutputFactory.create(String vcr,
String version,
String systemId,
OutputStream out,
String mimeType,
Context context)
void |
StorageDelta.delete(String version,
InputStream deltaIn,
OutputStream deltaOut,
String mimeType,
Context context)
Delete a version from the delta. |
boolean |
PreviewExtract.extract(String vcr,
String version,
InputStream in,
OutputStream out,
String mimeType,
Context context)
The module should create a preview image of sufficient quality for the system to be able to create three sizes from it: 64 pixels wide for thumbnails, 380 pixels wide for a medium format and 760 pixels wide for a larger preview. |
boolean |
XMLPreviewExtract.extract(String vcr,
String version,
XMLEventReader in,
OutputStream out,
String mimeType,
Context context)
The module should create a preview image of sufficient quality for the system to be able to create three sizes from it: 64 pixels wide for thumbnails, 380 pixels wide for a medium format and 760 pixels wide for a larger preview. |
static String |
Tools.generateContextUrl(Context context)
Returns the context URL of the request. |
static String |
Tools.generateFullPath(String localPath,
Context context)
Takes into account a possible context path. |
static String |
Tools.generateUrl(String localPath,
Context context)
Returns the absolute URL constructed from localPath . |
static String |
Tools.generateVcrUrl(String vcr,
Context context)
Returns the absolute URL constructed from vcr . |
InputStream |
ExchangeProperties.get(String vcr,
String version,
InputStream in,
Set<Property> properties,
String mimeType,
Context context)
The method should return a stream the system can read from. |
Reader |
TextExtract.get(String vcr,
String version,
InputStream in,
String mimeType,
Context context)
The method should return the complete text from the document. |
XMLEventReader |
XMLExchangeProperties.get(String vcr,
String version,
XMLEventReader in,
Set<Property> properties,
String mimeType,
Context context)
The method should return an event stream the system can read from. |
Reader |
XMLTextExtract.get(String vcr,
String version,
XMLEventReader in,
String mimeType,
Context context)
The method should return the complete text from the document. |
static Locale |
Tools.getLocale(Context context)
Returns the locale in which the request was made. |
static String[] |
Tools.getMetaPropertyValues(String property,
Context context)
Returns the property values that exist for property . |
static ResourceBundle |
Tools.getResourceBundle(String name,
Context context)
Selects the resource bundle based on the locale derived from context . |
static String |
Tools.getUsername(Context context)
Returns the username corresponding to the request. |
static String |
Tools.labelToName(String propertyLabel,
Context context)
Returns the property name for the given label. |
boolean |
MergeDocument.merge(InputStream base,
InputStream source,
InputStream target,
OutputStream out,
String mimeType,
Context context)
This method calculates the merge and detects possible conflicts. |
boolean |
XMLMergeDocument.merge(XMLEventReader base,
XMLEventReader source,
XMLEventReader target,
XMLEventWriter out,
String mimeType,
Context context)
This method calculates the merge and detects possible conflicts. |
static String |
Tools.nameToLabel(String propertyName,
Context context)
Returns the property label for the given name. |
void |
PlainStorageDelta.read(String vcr,
String version,
InputStream delta,
OutputStream out,
String mimeType,
Context context)
void |
Storage.read(String vcr,
String version,
InputStream in,
OutputStream out,
String mimeType,
Context context)
InputStream |
PlainStorageDelta.read(String vcr,
String version,
InputStream delta,
String mimeType,
Context context)
InputStream |
Storage.read(String vcr,
String version,
InputStream in,
String mimeType,
Context context)
void |
XMLStorage.read(String vcr,
String version,
String systemId,
InputStream in,
XMLEventWriter out,
XMLResolver entityResolver,
boolean expand,
String mimeType,
Context context)
void |
XMLStorageDelta.read(String vcr,
String version,
String systemId,
InputStream delta,
XMLEventWriter out,
XMLResolver entityResolver,
boolean expand,
String mimeType,
Context context)
XMLEventReader |
XMLStorage.read(String vcr,
String version,
String systemId,
InputStream in,
XMLResolver entityResolver,
boolean expand,
String mimeType,
Context context)
XMLEventReader |
XMLStorageDelta.read(String vcr,
String version,
String systemId,
InputStream delta,
XMLResolver entityResolver,
boolean expand,
String mimeType,
Context context)
static void |
Tools.retainNewest(Set<Property> newProperties,
Set<Property> oldProperties,
Set<String> singleValued,
Context context)
If a single-valued property occurs more than once, the new value is retained. |
InputStream |
ExchangeProperties.set(String vcr,
String version,
InputStream in,
Set<Property> newProperties,
Set<Property> oldProperties,
String mimeType,
Context context)
The method should return a stream the system can read from. |
XMLEventReader |
XMLExchangeProperties.set(String vcr,
String version,
XMLEventReader in,
Set<Property> newProperties,
Set<Property> oldProperties,
String mimeType,
Context context)
The method should return an event stream the system can read from. |
static void |
Tools.setUserDefined(Set<Property> properties,
String name,
String value,
Context context)
Sets the property in properties if value is not
null and not an empty string or a string with only
whitespace. |
static void |
Tools.setWarning(String message,
Context context)
Sets a warning on the HTTP response. |
boolean |
TestDifference.test(InputStream v1,
InputStream v2,
String mimeType,
Context context)
boolean |
XMLTestDifference.test(XMLEventReader v1,
XMLEventReader v2,
String mimeType,
Context context)
void |
PlainStorageDelta.write(String vcr,
String version,
InputStream in,
InputStream deltaIn,
OutputStream deltaOut,
String mimeType,
Context context)
void |
Storage.write(String vcr,
String version,
InputStream in,
OutputStream out,
String mimeType,
Context context)
void |
XMLStorageDelta.write(String vcr,
String version,
XMLEventReader in,
InputStream deltaIn,
OutputStream deltaOut,
String mimeType,
Context context)
void |
XMLStorage.write(String vcr,
String version,
XMLEventReader in,
OutputStream out,
String mimeType,
Context context)
Uses of Context in be.re.repo.mod |
Methods in be.re.repo.mod with parameters of type Context | |
XMLEventWriter |
ZipCollectionFactory.create(String vcr,
String version,
String systemId,
OutputStream out,
String mimeType,
Context context)