Uses of Interface

Packages that use Context Here you will find all module interface definitions. This package contains some utilities that are helpful for certain document formats. 

Uses of Context in

Methods in with parameters of type Context
 void oldVersion, InputStream newVersion, OutputStream out, String mimeType, Context context)
          Calculates the difference between two versions of a resource.
 void oldVersion, XMLEventReader newVersion, XMLEventWriter out, String mimeType, Context context)
          Calculates the difference between two versions of a resource.
 void MergeDocument.complete(InputStream in, OutputStream out, String mimeType, Context context)
          This method is called to perform completion on the contents of a version when the shouldComplete method returns true.
 void XMLMergeDocument.complete(XMLEventReader in, XMLEventWriter out, String mimeType, Context context)
          This method is called to perform completion on the contents of a version when the shouldComplete method returns true.
 InputStream InTransformerFactory.create(String vcr, String version, InputStream in, String fromMimeType, String toMimeType, Context context)
 OutputStream OutTransformerFactory.create(String vcr, String version, OutputStream out, String fromMimeType, String toMimeType, Context context)
 XMLEventReader XMLInputFactory.create(String vcr, String version, String systemId, InputStream in, XMLResolver entityResolver, boolean expand, String mimeType, Context context)
 XMLEventWriter XMLOutputFactory.create(String vcr, String version, String systemId, OutputStream out, String mimeType, Context context)
 void StorageDelta.delete(String version, InputStream deltaIn, OutputStream deltaOut, String mimeType, Context context)
          Delete a version from the delta.
 boolean PreviewExtract.extract(String vcr, String version, InputStream in, OutputStream out, String mimeType, Context context)
          The module should create a preview image of sufficient quality for the system to be able to create three sizes from it: 64 pixels wide for thumbnails, 380 pixels wide for a medium format and 760 pixels wide for a larger preview.
 boolean XMLPreviewExtract.extract(String vcr, String version, XMLEventReader in, OutputStream out, String mimeType, Context context)
          The module should create a preview image of sufficient quality for the system to be able to create three sizes from it: 64 pixels wide for thumbnails, 380 pixels wide for a medium format and 760 pixels wide for a larger preview.
static String Tools.generateContextUrl(Context context)
          Returns the context URL of the request.
static String Tools.generateFullPath(String localPath, Context context)
          Takes into account a possible context path.
static String Tools.generateUrl(String localPath, Context context)
          Returns the absolute URL constructed from localPath.
static String Tools.generateVcrUrl(String vcr, Context context)
          Returns the absolute URL constructed from vcr.
 InputStream ExchangeProperties.get(String vcr, String version, InputStream in, Set<Property> properties, String mimeType, Context context)
          The method should return a stream the system can read from.
 Reader TextExtract.get(String vcr, String version, InputStream in, String mimeType, Context context)
          The method should return the complete text from the document.
 XMLEventReader XMLExchangeProperties.get(String vcr, String version, XMLEventReader in, Set<Property> properties, String mimeType, Context context)
          The method should return an event stream the system can read from.
 Reader XMLTextExtract.get(String vcr, String version, XMLEventReader in, String mimeType, Context context)
          The method should return the complete text from the document.
static Locale Tools.getLocale(Context context)
          Returns the locale in which the request was made.
static String[] Tools.getMetaPropertyValues(String property, Context context)
          Returns the property values that exist for property.
static ResourceBundle Tools.getResourceBundle(String name, Context context)
          Selects the resource bundle based on the locale derived from context.
static String Tools.getUsername(Context context)
          Returns the username corresponding to the request.
static String Tools.labelToName(String propertyLabel, Context context)
          Returns the property name for the given label.
 boolean MergeDocument.merge(InputStream base, InputStream source, InputStream target, OutputStream out, String mimeType, Context context)
          This method calculates the merge and detects possible conflicts.
 boolean XMLMergeDocument.merge(XMLEventReader base, XMLEventReader source, XMLEventReader target, XMLEventWriter out, String mimeType, Context context)
          This method calculates the merge and detects possible conflicts.
static String Tools.nameToLabel(String propertyName, Context context)
          Returns the property label for the given name.
 void vcr, String version, InputStream delta, OutputStream out, String mimeType, Context context)
 void vcr, String version, InputStream in, OutputStream out, String mimeType, Context context)
 InputStream vcr, String version, InputStream delta, String mimeType, Context context)
 InputStream vcr, String version, InputStream in, String mimeType, Context context)
 void vcr, String version, String systemId, InputStream in, XMLEventWriter out, XMLResolver entityResolver, boolean expand, String mimeType, Context context)
 void vcr, String version, String systemId, InputStream delta, XMLEventWriter out, XMLResolver entityResolver, boolean expand, String mimeType, Context context)
 XMLEventReader vcr, String version, String systemId, InputStream in, XMLResolver entityResolver, boolean expand, String mimeType, Context context)
 XMLEventReader vcr, String version, String systemId, InputStream delta, XMLResolver entityResolver, boolean expand, String mimeType, Context context)
static void Tools.retainNewest(Set<Property> newProperties, Set<Property> oldProperties, Set<String> singleValued, Context context)
          If a single-valued property occurs more than once, the new value is retained.
 InputStream ExchangeProperties.set(String vcr, String version, InputStream in, Set<Property> newProperties, Set<Property> oldProperties, String mimeType, Context context)
          The method should return a stream the system can read from.
 XMLEventReader XMLExchangeProperties.set(String vcr, String version, XMLEventReader in, Set<Property> newProperties, Set<Property> oldProperties, String mimeType, Context context)
          The method should return an event stream the system can read from.
static void Tools.setUserDefined(Set<Property> properties, String name, String value, Context context)
          Sets the property in properties if value is not null and not an empty string or a string with only whitespace.
static void Tools.setWarning(String message, Context context)
          Sets a warning on the HTTP response.
 boolean TestDifference.test(InputStream v1, InputStream v2, String mimeType, Context context)
 boolean XMLTestDifference.test(XMLEventReader v1, XMLEventReader v2, String mimeType, Context context)
 void PlainStorageDelta.write(String vcr, String version, InputStream in, InputStream deltaIn, OutputStream deltaOut, String mimeType, Context context)
 void Storage.write(String vcr, String version, InputStream in, OutputStream out, String mimeType, Context context)
 void XMLStorageDelta.write(String vcr, String version, XMLEventReader in, InputStream deltaIn, OutputStream deltaOut, String mimeType, Context context)
 void XMLStorage.write(String vcr, String version, XMLEventReader in, OutputStream out, String mimeType, Context context)

Uses of Context in

Methods in with parameters of type Context
 XMLEventWriter ZipCollectionFactory.create(String vcr, String version, String systemId, OutputStream out, String mimeType, Context context)